Noteworthy News
Biliteracy Seal Winners
The Seal of Biliteracy is a prestigious accolade bestowed by a school district to honor students who have displayed exceptional proficiency in two or more languages by the time they graduate high school.
Rivermont Senior Collects Over One Thousand Paris of Glasses
Rivermont Senior Andrea Porubcin spent four years collecting 1104 pairs of glasses and contact lenses for the Davenport Lion’s Club.
Congratulations Alex and Bella
Alex Williams (grade 9) earned a full-tuition scholarship to attend Aviation Camp at the US Space and Rocket Center by designing a mission patch, developing and running an experiment, and writing essays. Sixth grader, Bella Williams’ essay “Anne Frank Died But Her...
Featured Events
Yogev Shetrit Trio – Polyrhythms Third Sunday Jazz Series
June 18, 2023 – POLYRHYTHMS Third Sunday Jazz Workshop & Matinee Series presents Yogev Shetrit Trio’s “Way of Tradition” with its rich Andalusian Jazz feel.
Summer at Rivermont – Preschool
June 12 – July 28, 2023